Paper disinfecting machine


As we all know, many health protocols have changed due to the spread of the corona virus in the world. The need to disinfect shared equipment has increased. In workplaces, offices and schools, many tasks are still done by writing letters and recording on paper. The presence of inter-administrative correspondence in all government and private organizations is of great importance because if this is not done, the spread of this virus will continue. To prevent the spread and transmission of the corona virus from one person to another, it is necessary to disinfect all tools, including paper, but the usual methods of disinfection with alcohol are not responsible for paper. Therefore, the engineers of Danesh Banyan Ayman Electronics of Bakhtran have decided to make a paper disinfection machine with microwave waves. We will learn more about this machine in the following.

What is a microwave paper disinfection device?

Papers, letters, documents in organizations are very contaminated due to contact with the hands of different people. These papers may be infected with the corona virus and the virus can be spread by moving the papers. So it seems necessary and necessary that these papers be disinfected. Banyan Ayman Bakhtran Company Disinfects papers by giving microwaves to heat the papers and disinfect them. This device is registered by our research and development department and its performance is fully proven. The advantage of this method is high speed and low cost. The whole paper disinfection process is done in 7 minutes. This is the strength of this device.

Technical features of paper decontamination devices

This device was made at the request of Deputy of Science and Technology of the whole country and on date 02/22/99 under letter number 11/40067 Influenza virus A/PR8/34/H1N1 has been tested by Instituto Pasteur as a model of background viruses containing single-stranded RNA genome, and according to the results, this device is able to destroy 99% of the virus. are tested.

The dimensions of this device are one meter by meter and it takes up little space, so it is suitable for public and private companies and offices.

Safety benefitsPaper decontamination devices

  • Destroying influenza viruses
  • Safe deletion
  • No sound
  • High operation speed
  • Heat and radiation control

Economic benefitspaper decontamination devices

  • Effordable energy consumption
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Unique

Microwave paper disinfection device

Model 100
Weight 85 kg
wavelength 2.45 ghz
Reservoir type steel
Input voltage 220 V
size 100*70*100 cm

You can order the paper disinfectant device in different sizes and according to the space you have.

Places where paper disinfectants are used

  • Banks
  • Departments
  • Justice
  • Companies
  • Universities

Price of paper disinfecting machine

To buy a paper disinfecting machine, you can call 09144882581, 33386808, and 33386809 with prefix 044, so that the consultants of the collection will guide you and, if you wish, order the desired machine.